Medicaid Modernization

You may have begun hearing this term in the news recently. What is Medicaid Modernization? It is an initiative announced by Governor Branstad on February 16, 2015 that aims to improve access and care coordination, promote accountability and outcomes, and provide a predictable and sustainable Medicaid budget for the state of Iowa. It is called IA Health Link. Through Medicaid Modernization, the Iowa Department of Human Services will contract with managed care organizations for the delivery of health care services for most Medicaid members. A managed care organization (MCO) is a health plan or type of health coverage that will make sure you get complete care that’s just right for you from the managed care organization’s network of providers.

Sunrise Terrace Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and all other providers will be required to contract with MCOs. We have begun this process. Current Medicaid members do not need to do anything at this time. You will have the opportunity to choose your MCO in the coming months. Plan to get a notice soon to let you know when you will need to make a health plan choice.

Coverage by the MCOs will begin on January 1, 2016. For more information about this IA Health Link transition program visit



Sunrise Terrace